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105 Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People  
On the Trail of Grant and Lee

During the early years of the Civil War someone tauntingly asked
Mr. Charles Francis Adams, the United States Minister to England,
what he thought of the brilliant victories which the confederate
armies were then gaining in the field.  "I think they have been
won by my fellow countrymen," was the quiet answer.

Almost half a century has passed since that reproof was uttered,
but its full force is only just beginning to be understood.  For
nearly fifty years the story of the Civil War has been twisted to
suit local pride or prejudice in various parts of the Union, with
the result that much which passes for American history is not history
at all, and whatever else it may be, it is certainly not American.

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 No. 75
 Posted on 7 June, 2006
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