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Action Plan for the Nairobi Slums

Action Plan for the Nairobi Slums

The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to Mutoto Mwanamke for long hours of discussion on African Poverty and slum life. Without this valuable insight of reality this work could not have been possible. Indeed, the information gained from KENWA International and the inspirational stories of Asunta Wagura working in the trenches of the Nairobi Slums caring for HIV/AIDS orphans gave the motivation for this work.

Thanks also goes to the US Ambassador to Kenya in Nairobi for his efforts to clean up corruption and encourage keeping the humanitarian crisis issue alive, while others ignore the problems. Famous Authors; Joseph Conrad, Paul Theroux, John le Carre and Blaine Harden also assisted with excellent background to launch this project through their works.

The World Trade Organization, Davos 2007, World Bank, World Food Program and the United Nations also served as in valuable sources for data and fact finding, particularly the UN Human Settlement Programme (UN Habitat) Study. The number of research reports, Blogs, online videos, newspaper articles used to compile this eBook are all most too numerous to mention, yet they were very much appreciated.

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 No. 475
 Posted on 5 June, 2007
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